Webinar 2, 18 march 2020. Inclusive supported employment

Skrevet av: Nasjonalt kompetansemiljø om utviklingshemming (NAKU)

Webinaret er på engelsk og starter klokken 18:00 norsk tid. 

The National Competence Center on Developmental Disabilities (NAKU) of Norway and the North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD) intheUS are pleased to announce the secondinternational webinar on Inclusive Supported Employment (also known as Customized Employment). This second webinar will feature speakers from England, Canada and Australia as they discuss the impact that laws, policy and regulations have on the implementation of inclusive supported employment. 

This webinar is the second in a series of four (4) online webinars from Fall 2019 through the Fall 2020. NDCPD and NAKU are collaborating on hosting these webinars to bring an international perspective on the concepts of customized employment, legal and policy issues in support of customized employment, and showcases of the implementation of customized employment from around the world.Internationally renowned experts in inclusive supported employment are involved in these presentations. We invite our international colleagues topresent on their work on Inclusive Supported Employment, and to attendonline sessionsand presentations about this important topic. It will culminate in a focusedpre-conference on Inclusive Supported Employment in Washington, DC in the fall of 2020.

To register for this webinar, click HERE.  Or go to EVENTBRITE.COM and search for online events related to Inclusive Employment. More information and program you find here. 

Recording from webinar 1 you find here



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