A pre-conference in December 2020.
Focused Pre-Conference
A special international pre-conference will be held in conjunction with the annual Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) conference in Washington DC, USA in November 2020. Join your international colleagues in keynote speeches, break out presentations, and informal discussions at this large disability –focused conference in the capitol of the United States.
Call for Speakers
We are currently in the planning stages of this important learning series. If you are a researcher, or a practitioner, or a person with a disability with expertise and experience in inclusive supported employment (also known as Customized Employment), and would like to be considered for one of the webinar presentations, please send a letter with your qualifications and experience to: Dr. Brent A. Askvig, . The sponsors will review applications and make selections based on the purposes and schedule of events.
Helseoppfølging av personer med utviklingshemming
Mange personer med utviklingshemming går med helseplager som ikke blir oppdaget og derfor ikke behandlet. Ved å gjennomføre opplæringen vil du få økt kunnskap og oppmerksomhet om disse forholdene.

Opprett egen bruker
Med egen bruker kan du lagre artikler, lage leselister, sette opp veilednings- og opplæringsmapper som du kan dele med andre på «min side».