Over the next two years we will arrange 4 webinars.
This International Learning Series is designed to share information and practices on the strategies used for inclusive supported employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Participants will learn about the important concepts in inclusive employment, international laws and policy on supported and customized employment, and how various countries have implemented inclusive supported employment.
Free Online Webinars
NAKU and NDCPD will sponsor a series of four (4) on online webinars from Fall 2019 through the Fall of 2020. These webinars will cover the main concepts of customized employment, international perspectives on legal and policy measures in support of customized employment, and showcases of the implementation of customized employment from around the world. Internationally renowned experts in inclusive supported employment will be involved in these presentations.
Webinar 3,
Implementation Examples 1: Showcase from 3 countries. More information will be coming soon!
COMPLETED Webinar 2, June 3rd, 2020
International law and policy on inclusive supported employment. Around the World.
Outline of webinar 2
Brent Askvig - Welcome and operational items
Rick Kane is the CEO for Disability Employment Australia, the professional organization representing, supporting and resourcing the disability employment sector throughout Australia. He has worked in disability employment since 1996, beginning his career at the Salvation Army, moving on to be the Executive Officer at Workforce, and then working at WISE Employment for ten years as the Policy Advisor. Mr. Kane has seen multiple changes to the structure of disability employment, including the introduction of case-based funding, the adoption of different assessment models, and the program operate to a performance and compliance framework. Through it all, person-centered assistance, ongoing support and the Disability Service Standards have been integral to best practice and outcomes. His current work focus is government relations and policy development as it relates to best practices and continuous improvement increasing employment outcomes for people with disability in Australia. This includes engaging international perspectives. He represents the sector’s best practice in his work with government, disability advocates, employers and academics.
Huw Davies is the chief executive of the BASE (British Association for Supported Employment), holding that position since 2008. He previously chaired the association from its formation in 2006 and chaired one of its predecessor associations, AfSE, from 2002 to 2006. He is one of the Vice-Presidents of the European Union of Supported Employment. Mr. Davies was previously the Regional Employment Team Coordinator for North West Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP). This strategic role supported the regional implementation of Government policy on mental health and employment. From 1993 to 2007, Huw was manager of Bury EST, a local authority supported employment agency that provided employment support for disabled jobseekers, care leavers, recovering drug misusers, minority ethnic communities and job retention projects.
Susie Rutkowski is the Co-Director and Educational Specialist for Project SEARCH, located at the Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. She is a nationally recognized transition expert with specific experience in program development in career technical education and job development for young adults with disabilities. She served as the Manager for Disability Education at Great Oaks Career Campuses for over twelve years. During that tenure she co-founded Project SEARCH, an international network of sites that seek to secure competitive employment for people with disabilities.
Annette Borrows is the employment strategy manager for a service provider organization in British Columbia and has over 20 years of experience servicing people with disabilities in gaining meaningful employment. She is the President of CASE, the Canadian Association for Supported Employment, a national network of employment service providers and stakeholders in Canada. In addition, Ms. Borrows is the President Elect for WASE, the World Association for Supported Employment. WASE is a network of people and organizations from around the world with the mission of promoting supported employment.
Karl Elling Ellingsen – Moderate questions to speakers. Next webinar date & topic
Recording from webinar 2
COMPLETED Webinar 1, December 5, 2019
Kickoff webinar: Describe initiative and present key components of inclusive supported employment. Introduction to Inclusive Supported Employment. Around the World.
Outline of webinar 1.
Brent Askvig - Welcome and operational items. Purpose of the webinar series and definition of Inclusive Supported Employment.
Jenny Stonemeier - APSE – Welcome and importance of Supported Employment in the United States.
Luc Henau – EUSE – Welcome and importance of Supported Employment in Europe
Annette Borrows – CASE – Welcome and importance of Supported Employment in Canada. WASE - Welcome and importance of Supported employment across the world.
Linn Løvlie Slette – Helt Med! – The use of Inclusive Supported Employment in Norway (includes video of Emily Ann Riedel who benefits from the Helt Med model).
Karl Elling Ellingsen – moderate questions to speakers. Next webinar date & topic
Recording from webinar 1
Webinar 4
Implementation Examples 2: Showcase from 3 additional countries
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