An international initiative
Supported Employment (SE) has developed from a belief that everyone can contribute and perform tasks that relates to employment, and that everyone belongs in the society including work. During the dominant period of institutionalization of persons with IDD, many was working on the farm, in the household and as assistance in the care unit. Later, Marc Gould proved that even complex tasks was doable as core routines with multiple receptions, learned through Systematic Instruction (SI). Others contributed equally and formed what today is known as the principles of SE. For more than 60 years persons with IDD has entered the workforce making use of the principles of SE and by services built upon those. Values like ZERO EXCLUSION is core of the idea that first started the development from institutionalization to inclusion. SE has spread around the world, are adjusted to national and cultural identities, but the main principles are the same. There is also a conclusive evidence of prediction of employment as result of using SE. However, we at the same time sees a strong tendency towards exclusion of persons with IDD from SE. We therefor think that there is a need to address this by putting it on the agenda, talks about important issues and approaches, programs and values, and ricing the evenness for what we call INCLUSIV SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT.
The National Competence Center on Developmental Disabilities (NAKU) of Norway and the North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD) of North Dakota, USA are pleased to announce an international opportunity for learning and discussion on Inclusive Supported Employment (also known as Customized Employment). We invite our international colleagues to present on their work on Inclusive Supported Employment, and to attend online sessions and presentations about this important topic. It will culminate in a focused pre-conference on Inclusive Supported Employment in Washington, DC in the fall of 2020.
This International Learning Series is designed to share information and practices on the strategies used for inclusive supported employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Participants will learn about the important concepts in inclusive employment, international laws and policy on supported and customized employment, and how various countries have implemented inclusive supported employment.
Free Online Webinars
NAKU and NDCPD will sponsor a series of four (4) on online webinars from Fall 2019 through the Fall of 2020. These webinars will cover the main concepts of customized employment, international perspectives on legal and policy measures in support of customized employment, and showcases of the implementation of customized employment from around the world. Internationally renowned experts in inclusive supported employment will be involved in these presentations.
Focused Pre-Conference
A special international pre-conference will be held in conjunction with the annual Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) conference in Washington DC, USA in November 2020. Join your international colleagues in keynote speeches, break out presentations, and informal discussions at this large disability –focused conference in the capitol of the United States.
Call for Speakers
We are currently in the planning stages of this important learning series. If you are a researcher, or a practitioner, or a person with a disability with expertise and experience in inclusive supported employment (also known as Customized Employment), and would like to be considered for one of the webinar presentations, please send a letter with your qualifications and experience to: Dr. Brent A. Askvig, The sponsors will review applications and make selections based on the purposes and schedule of events.
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